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Vrienden Van Amstel Live Reviews
This is what our customers think of Vrienden Van Amstel Live
Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.
Lots of own songs Veel eigen nummers was a big party. Too bad that various artists sang up to 5 of their own songs in a row. That's not what you come to VVAL for. was groot feest. Wel jammer dat diverse artiesten wel 5 van hun eigen nummers op een rij zongen. Daarvoor kom je niet naar VVAL.

Verified Purchase Rated at: 31 january 2024 09:24
Marieke Brouwer from Nederland went to Vrienden Van Amstel Live on 26 january 2024 at Ahoy Rotterdam
Read what Marieke Brouwer wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Marieke Brouwer about TopTicketshop
Dropped off Afgezet Cards, 2nd rank, turned out to be 75 euro.
Purchased at Ticketmaster for more than €125 at the time!
Kaarten, 2de rang zit, bleken 75 euro.
Bij Ticketmaster destijds gekocht voor meer dan 125!
Response from Topticketshop: Dear Marieke,
Thank you for leaving a review on our website. Your feedback is very important to us. In this way, you help us improve our services and you also help other consumers make a decision.
We have read your review and would like to comment on it.
It is true that our tickets are sometimes more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We communicate the fact that we are a reseller very clearly on the website. Including the following sentence at the top of the page where the customer lands: You are visiting the Netherlands' most valued reseller of resold tickets. Prices may be higher or lower than the printed value. We also mention the original value with our price and also in the shopping cart. So it's not to be missed. And we also refer to the original point of sale. That's all we can do. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening.
Best regards,
Topticketshop Beste Marieke,
Bedankt voor het schrijven van een review op onze website. Uw feedback vinden wij erg belangrijk. U helpt ons zo onze dienstverlening te verbeteren en ook helpt u andere consumenten met het maken van een beslissing.
Wij hebben uw review gelezen en willen er graag op reageren.
Het klopt dat onze tickets soms duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij communiceren het feit dat wij een wederverkoper zijn erg duidelijk op de website. Onder andere met de volgende zin bovenaan de pagina waar de klant op landt: U bezoekt Nederlands meest gewaardeerde wederverkoper van doorverkochte tickets. Prijzen kunnen hoger of lager zijn dan de afgedrukte waarde. Ook noemen wij de originele waarde bij onze prijs en ook nog eens in de winkelwagen. Het is dus niet te missen. En verder verwijzen wij ook nog door naar het originele verkooppunt. Meer kunnen wij niet doen. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Topticketshop Good seats, nice show Goede plaatsen mooie show Well arranged Prima feregeld

Verified Purchase Rated at: 2 february 2024 15:57
Wilma Lodewijks from Nederland went to Vrienden Van Amstel Live on 24 january 2024 at Ahoy Rotterdam
Read what Wilma Lodewijks wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Wilma Lodewijks about TopTicketshop
It's easy to order tickets, but a shame you don't get them until late Makkelijk kaarten bestellen alleen jammer dat je de kaarten pas laat krijgt
Friends of Amstel Live Tickets
Are you looking for tickets for the Friends of Amstel live? At, you can find tickets if you've just missed out. In general, the tickets for VVAL sell out quickly, so have you been unable to buy tickets? Then you're in the right place with us! On this page, you can find the data that is still available.
Why buy tickets for Friends of Amstel Live?
Buying tickets for Friends of Amstel Live is always a good idea. After all, VVAL is the largest coziest bar in the Netherlands. There are all kinds of Dutch artists coming in. The Friends of Amstel Live shows will take place on January 11 to 15, January 17 to 22 and January 24 to 26 in Ahoy Rotterdam. The show is known for the unique and unexpected compositions of various artists. For example, you can see Danny Vera perform with Di-rect and Miss Montreal with Bizzey. The artists from Dutch soil provide an overwhelming performance and therefore involve the entire audience. You also enjoy various surprises, for example, there has sometimes been a flying bar where the artists were pulled high into the sky. These surprises and special effects make for an extra spectacular performance.
How did Vrienden van Amstel Live come about?
Vrienden van Amstel Live has now grown into an extraordinary success with no less than 20 concerts in Ahoy Rotterdam. But how did this show come about? How did this become such a success? It all started on January 15, 1998, in café De Heeren van Amstel in Amsterdam. Several Dutch tourists came here to perform together, singing each other's songs in a duet. From 1999, these performances ended with a concert in Ahoy. And that's how it all started. Started in a bar making live music, grew into a spectacular concert. Do you want to be present in the largest and nicest pub in the Netherlands? Then buy tickets for Friends of Amstel Live.
Friends of Amstel live 2024 artists
As already described, different compositions of artists perform. It also often happens that songs sung by different compositions are a success. For example, Thomas Acda, Paul de Munnik, Typhoon and Maan received double platinum for a song they performed with at Friends of Amstel Live. The question is always which artists will perform. Artists who have been around for years include Xander de Buisonjé, Nick & Simon, Guus Meeuwis, Typhoon, Anouk and so on. The artists all have something in common and that is that they all come from Dutch soil. They're all having a party in the largest bar in the Netherlands.
Buy Friends of Amstel Tickets Live at
Of course, you can buy tickets for Friends of Amstel Live at, because at you enjoy the best service, because we always help you with any rebookings or other problems. In addition, you don't have to wait in line with us. You can easily order the tickets in our webshop and you will always receive them in your mailbox well on time. At, you will find tickets for all kinds of events, such as rock concerts, musicals, festivals and theater performances.
In addition to tickets for Vrienden van Amstel Live's concerts, also offers tickets for Guus Meeuwis,
Soldier of Orange and Cirque du Soleil.