Ludovico Einaudi Ticket Alert
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Ludovico Einaudi Reviews
This is what our customers think of Ludovico Einaudi
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- Great music, just too many people walking around, poorly organized. Muziek geweldig, enkel te veel lopend publiek, slecht georganiseerd.
The music is of course fantastic, but at a classical concert, the audience is usually silent. After each song, hordes of people took a walk here on creaky planks, really disrespectful to the pianist. This should have guided the organization better. Just sitting down during the concert seems to me, it's clear that people came here who haven't been to a classical concert before. So better organize next time :-), it's not a pop concert. De muziek is uiteraard fantastisch, echter bij een klassiek concert is het publiek normaal gesproken muisstil. Na elk nummer gingen hier hordes mensen aan de wandel over krakende planken, echt respectloos naar de pianist. Dit had de organisatie beter moeten begeleiden. Gewoon blijven zitten tijdens het concert lijkt me, duidelijk dat hier mensen kwamen die niet eerder naar een klassiek concert zijn geweest. Beter organiseren dus volgende keer :-), het is geen popconcert.
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 21 july 2023 09:54went to Ludovico Einaudi on 7 july 2023 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Nice experience. Mooie ervaring.
The supporting act is too long. Too many people on site. Voorprogramma te lang. Te veel mensen op het terrrein.
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 18 july 2023 18:02went to Ludovico Einaudi on 7 july 2023 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - fantastic fantastich
well organized goed georganiseerd
Linda vos from 's-Gravenhage,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 11 july 2023 14:25went to Ludovico Einaudi on 7 july 2023 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn
Read what Linda vos wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Intimate for $5,000 Intiem voor 5000
After Covid, Einaudi is showing himself more. Small band less is more! Na Covid laat Einaudi zich meer zelf zien. Kleine band less is more!
Ellen EttemaJansen from Hoogkarspel,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 10 july 2023 18:37went to Ludovico Einaudi on 7 july 2023 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn
Read what Ellen Ettema-Jansen wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Magnificent Magnifiek
Well organized, beautiful atmosphere, happy matching weather Goed georganiseerd, prachtige ambiance, gelukkig bijpassend weer
Anonymous from Rotterdam,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 10 july 2023 18:14went to Ludovico Einaudi on 7 july 2023 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original