Edsilia Rombley has more than 10 concerts at the moment. Don't miss Edsilia Rombley's concert and order your tickets right now!
Foto: Edsilia Rombley - Fotocredits: Congres in Beeld (CC Flickr)
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Edsilia Rombley Reviews
This is what our customers think of Edsilia Rombley
Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.
- As expected, good, fun and laughs. Zoals verwacht, goed, leuk en lachen.Johan Warendorff from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 27 april 2023 10:34
went to Edsilia Rombley on 26 april 2023 at Theater Zuidplein Rotterdam
Read what Johan Warendorff wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - marvelous Fantastisch
Summit Top
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 february 2023 18:53went to Edsilia Rombley on 11 february 2023 at Schouwburg Amstelveen Amstelveen
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Summit TopHP Van Noort from Veenendaal,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 february 2023 18:02
went to Edsilia Rombley on 10 february 2023 at Orpheus Apeldoorn
Read what HP Van Noort wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - terrific GeweldigAnne van es from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 february 2023 12:27
went to Edsilia Rombley on 18 february 2023 at Theater Het Kruispunt Barendrecht
Read what Anne van es wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - terrific Geweldig
Edsilia was great, but if I had bought my ticket at the theater itself, I would have lost half as much, this is just a money grab. Ridiculously ordinary, very disappointed with topticketshop's ticket sales Edsilia was geweldig, maar had beter mijn ticket bij het theater zelf gekocht dan was ik de helft minder kwijt dit is gewoon geldklopperij. Belachelijk gewoon, zeer teleurgesteld in de kaartverkoop van topticketshop
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 february 2023 12:16went to Edsilia Rombley on 18 february 2023 at Theater Het Kruispunt Barendrecht
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original
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